Employment survey of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) – Please take our survey on the state of the geosciences profession!
In the annual ‘EFG Employment Survey’, the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) aims at taking a snapshot of the current labour market for geologists in Europe and beyond:
- Which industries are professional geologists working?
- What is their current employment state and security?
- Do their professional activities align with their training?
- Are they exploiting job opportunities in other European countries?
- What are the prospects for the future?
To help us produce a comprehensive report about the evolution of our profession, we would appreciate if you could take our short survey. This report will be published later this year and provide a clear overview of work opportunities in Europe, helping (future) geoscientists to orientate their studies or career decisions and providing professional associations with a steer on which services to offer to their members.
The survey is available here and answering it will take you approximately 10 minutes: https://bit.ly/34yUDil
Thank you in advance for your time!